VET APPROVED WRITTEN BY Dr. Samantha Devine Veterinarian, DVM Cats & PTSDSigns To Look Out ForGeneral CausesDiagnosisCare TipsFAQ You adopted your kitty from the…
How Can I Talk With a Vet When It’s in the Middle of the Night? 5 Ideas & Online Vet Options
by adminVET APPROVED REVIEWED & FACT-CHECKED BY Dr. Karyn Kanowski Veterinarian, BVSc MRCVS Cats are curious animals, and they tend to have active periods at…
VET APPROVED REVIEWED & FACT-CHECKED BY Dr. Amanda Charles BVSc GPCert (Derm) MRCVS (Veterinarian) What Is Microchipping?UK Microchipping LawThe Benefits of MicrochippingThe Microchipping ProcedureChanging…
Pompe disease — also known as Glycogen Storage Disease Type II (GSD II) — is a rare but serious metabolic disorder that affects both…
Benadryl — also known by its generic name diphenhydramine — is an over-the-counter antihistamine commonly used to relieve symptoms of allergies, hay fever, and…
Periodontal disease — also known as gum disease — is an inflammatory condition that affects the structures surrounding a dog’s teeth, including the gums,…
Familial kidney disease is an umbrella term used to describe various genetically transmitted conditions that impair the normal function of a dog’s kidneys. Unlike…
If you’ve ever had a cat, the phrase “tiny lion” is bound to be familiar. Domestic cats may be diminutive in size, but many…
Characteristics Temperament Intelligence Food & Diet Exercise Health Training Grooming Fun Facts It seems canines get all the attention when it comes to the…
Characteristics Temperament Intelligence Food & Diet Exercise Health Training Grooming Fun Facts Japanese Bobtail Longhairs are a gorgeous longhaired version of the traditional Japanese…